We Are Going To Have To Change
“There is no way at this point to stop climate change,” says James Everett, partner and cofounder at Ecosystem integrity fund … “Pretty much every system is going to have to change. We’re going to have to adapt to this.” Bloomberg Businessweek, October 15, 2018. Climate Change Will Get Worse Bet On It.
The problem is, we often deny the need to change. Just as bad, somebody inevitably wants to change something that has nothing to do with the root cause of why we are not delivering our projects on time.
However, what struck me about the above quote, was that it was always true. In this case, the climate will change. I learned in elementary school that the world had gone through an ice age and that the planet was now warming. That sounded like great news to us little kids. It was great to be alive now, rather than trying to survive an ice age. Woohoo! We were the lucky ones. Yes, the climate will change. No news here.
So, everything is going to have to change and we will have to adapt. When has this not been true in our world? Never, I suspect.
This reminded me of many common arguments for making changes in an organization. They were typically bland generalities “we’ll not survive as a business if we are not competitive!” The leap then was that whatever change was being advocated must be something that would make us competitive. We would then thrash, making change after random change, and the company would continue to decline in customers and profitability.
See instead The One Key Step For Successful Improvements
Is the change your project is implementing something that will make a real difference or is it just change based upon banal emotional arguments?