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The Most Important Skill In The World

Drayton had a reputation as an around-the-clock worker, but one with a creative streak. “Much of what he did was very innovative and very controversial,” Gamse says. “A lot of times my first reaction would be, ‘This is crazy. This has no chance of happening!’...
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Deep Dive Into The Little Problems Now

Essentially, it was by luck. At ongoing hearings, senior bank executive Clive van Horen explained that the error had escaped numerous internal bank controls that should have caught it. The error was finally uncovered after troubling questions were raised over the bank’s overdraft application process...
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Winning The Bureaucracy Game

Winning The Bureaucracy Game
During a college job at an Air Force weapons lab in New Mexico, [Robert Mercer, co-CEO Renaissance Technologies] says, he found a life’s calling. “I loved everything about computers,” he said. “I Loved the solitude of the computer lab late at night. I loved the...
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Too Much Money And Not Enough Time

Although Pompeii is frozen in time, the workers are in a hurry — to spend money. In the next 11 weeks they have to burn through almost $100 million — about five times what they’ve spent in the past three years — or risk losing...
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Why Top Management Approval Is Not Enough

Why Top Management Approval Is Not Enough
“It’s naive to think that three presidents and three U.S. military services would have spent so many billions of dollars on a program that doesn’t work, “ [Loren Thompson, chief operating officer of the Lexington Institute who has worked as a consultant for Lockheed] said....
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Train or Just Hire The Best?

Train or just hire the best
“In the early days, we had no choice but to hire rejects …. Nobody else would come. But we trained the hell out of them, and they became great.” Employees who’ve graduated from top business schools such as Harvard and MIT are incompetent when it...
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