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Archive by category "Change Management" (Page 2)
Needless to say, on many struggling projects, management could often “talk-the-talk” but inevitably could not “walk-the-walk.” If they could, then they would probably not be in the crisis I was called in to help solve.
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July 14, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
"There is no evidence that consumers can self diagnose and self-treat." Really?
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May 12, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Following the Sept. 11 attacks, a consensus emerged that cockpit doors should be reinforced and fitted with elaborate locks. This was an eminently sensible idea. Then last year, a pilot named Andreas Lubitz boarded Germanwings Flight 9525. When his captain left the cockpit, Lubitz locked...
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March 18, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
You often leave with a rosy glow, a sense of resolve, and a commitment to do more, for other women and for yourself. But then you return to your desk, probably next to a higher-paid male co-worker, and the old, familiar malaise sets in. There...
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March 2, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
During a college job at an Air Force weapons lab in New Mexico, [Robert Mercer, co-CEO Renaissance Technologies] says, he found a life’s calling. “I loved everything about computers,” he said. “I Loved the solitude of the computer lab late at night. I loved the...
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February 10, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
They assumed that, if a project was intensely and minutely planned, everything would naturally and inevitably proceed in an orderly and deterministic way. … And when projects did go off the rails, their response was to stop everything and replan. Sometimes that works, but sometimes...
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January 28, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
The stakes are high for this program. As any physician will tell you, physician burden and frustration levels are real. Programs designed to improve often distract. Done poorly, measures are divorced from how physicians practice and add to the cynicism that people who build these...
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January 20, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Yet the media telling of the story makes it sound as if ideation—the creation of ideas—is 90% of the work of innovation. Ideation has produced many inventions that never became innovations because no one adopted them. Many people are misled by stories that inaccurately equate...
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January 6, 2016 Bruce Benson
Change Management, Innovation
California captures enough water each year to meet all its needs if it operates efficiently — a big if. … “There’s learning, information sharing, creativity, and discovery.” The drought is speeding up the process. “What causes change more than anything is crisis,” Thomas Howard, executive...
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October 7, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Each container Driscoll’s sells in the U.S. and Canada has a code on the back that tracks variety, grower, and harvest date. Originally a food safety measure, it’s become a way for Driscoll’s to test the market. Consumers can enter their codes on Driscoll’s website...
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September 30, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
When we’d removed the influences that pulled an organization down, we didn’t have to crack the whip to get people going again.
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September 3, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
In today’s atomized medical system, it can take 10 to 20 years for a major treatment advance to become ubiquitous.
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August 19, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Rather than accept their view of his business, the CEO shouted at them for wasting his time.”
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August 5, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
I found a great insight, that doesn’t show up that often, in the following article in my research archives. Robert Holler, the CEO of VersionOne (an Agile vendor) was quoted: “I think there might have been this anticipation five years ago that agile would take...
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July 28, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management
I went into the house and deadpanned to my wife that I had just run a couple of 4 minute miles. Her response? “Wow!” She was serious.
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July 7, 2015 Bruce Benson
Change Management