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How to get An “A” On Our Project Management

Get An "A" On Project Management
My job was to evaluate how well our government projects were doing. The projects were expected to be using the prescribed latests and greatest project management tools and development technologies to help ensure they were successful. Here is how we finally achieved an "A" in our project management.
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Don’t Treat Your E-mails As Dead Skeletal Husks!

My article on e-mail infoglut resulted in a pointer from DoddsSimon to Inbox Zero by Merlin Mann. Merlin takes classic time management ideas and applies them to e-mail. One notion he presents is that much of your e-mail becomes "dead skeletal husks" and can be thrown away. I'm going to suggest instead that your "old" e-mail can be a great project management tool.
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Using Hard Facts To Reduce Honesty Buffers

Reducing the project management tool "honesty buffers" is a way to rapidly improve the organization. Much of what I've talked about assumed that we really did know what was going on, and it was more a matter of just delivering the facts than figuring out what the facts are. When we don't yet know the facts, but must report or update senior management, hard facts are often readily available such that we can supply something more concrete than "we don't know yet."
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Nine Ways To Eliminate Honesty Buffers

Eliminating “Honesty Buffers” helps to confront your organizational project management bad habits and hence improve your productivity and quality.   Here are nine techniques I’ve used to successfully reduce the “Honesty Buffers.” In Eliminate Your Project Management Honesty Buffers I talk about how you can apply...
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Eliminate Your Project Management Honesty Buffers

Manufacturing buffers help to smooth over problems at each stage of production. The project management tool "honesty buffer" is when someone holds back reporting issues and problems to make things look better than they are. Reducing or eliminating such buffers quickly exposes problems and enables rapid process and quality improvement.
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Project Management Needs Business Intelligence!

Look into using your existing business systems as part of your project management tools. The business systems used by everyone to do their daily jobs can often provide more current and predictive information than relying solely on our traditional project management tools.
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Successful Projects Are Boring!

The problem with being a good project manager, or any kind of good manager, is that often your project or organization is running along too smoothly. You stay on top of the issues and continuously improve the way you do things based upon feedback from your team and customers. Boring!
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