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Archive by category "Planning" (Page 3)
First off, I mention that we’ve been successful every time at getting organizations to on-time (i.e., within two weeks). Not only were we on time, but the quality of the product was dramatically improved.
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February 7, 2013 Bruce Benson
The problem is not a surprise request for a quick estimate. The problem is that we are not prepared to give quick estimates. Here is how we did it.
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January 11, 2013 Bruce Benson
Discipline while developing new technology might be different than optimizing current production.
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November 16, 2012 Bruce Benson
What is good for the entrepreneur is equally good for the project manager in an established company.
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March 20, 2012 Bruce Benson
Should we simply follow the crowd until we found something that suggests another course of action?
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January 17, 2012 Bruce Benson
"I’m always on the lookout for ideas concerning software estimation, even as I ponder my own eternal mantra: Estimates are always wrong." Not!
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December 16, 2011 Bruce Benson
This is bad, right? Only about half the tasks scheduled get accomplished in the required week. As a project manager I thought “great, I can work with this!” Huh? Why is that?
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October 31, 2011 Bruce Benson
We took the official plan document and turned it into a real plan that we used everyday. This was different from the classic plan that was created to meet a checklist requirement. Here is how we made the change and how moving to a real plan can often confuse folks and how we overcame this normal confusion.
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October 12, 2011 Bruce Benson
The problem was that we never knew where to start or what to work on first. This was the source of many arguments and many stops and starts in improvement projects. Now, we knew.
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September 2, 2011 Bruce Benson
It’s a business management problem! Management’s goal should be to figure out a way to facilitate data access. We’ve lost the ability to move quickly. Our approval cycles squash great ideas. We kill with kindness and best intentions.
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August 24, 2011 Bruce Benson
Especially for complex and costly IT projects, customers need to invest more in the up-front evaluation. Oh, no. Here we go again.
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August 11, 2011 Bruce Benson
The software project manager said he needed more people, more money and more time. This brought to mind a great quote I heard many years ago, that went something like "engineering is doing with $1 what any fool can do with $2."
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May 16, 2011 Bruce Benson
“Our strategy is sound. It is aspects of our operational execution that are not.” Boy, how often have I heard that.
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May 10, 2011 Bruce Benson
Sometimes it is the team process and not the project requirements that determines a project's schedule.
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February 15, 2011 Bruce Benson
Know the history of how our organization has performed in the past.
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January 25, 2011 Bruce Benson