“More and more,” Carlson says, “innovation that happens from the top down tends to be orderly and dumb. Innovation that happens from the bottom up tends to be chaotic but smart.”
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October 10, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
This is obvious, yes? If we do work for a customer, we charge them for it. Ok, so the customer would rather get work done for free. It helps their bottom line after all, doesn’t it? Maybe not.
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September 29, 2011 Bruce Benson
My job was to evaluate how well our government projects were doing. The projects were expected to be using the prescribed latests and greatest project management tools and development technologies to help ensure they were successful. Here is how we finally achieved an "A" in our project management.
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September 23, 2011 Bruce Benson
Project management is often about getting people to do the things we need them to do. Here is how we got people to better follow policy by improving how we communicated and how we can apply this to managing projects.
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September 12, 2011 Bruce Benson
Too many perfectly good methodologies and techniques have regressed over time because we didn’t make wise choices in trying to perfect them.
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September 7, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
We know everything we need to know (or at least enough), and if we just apply it, we will be successful, even without fancy new project management tools.
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September 5, 2011 Bruce Benson
The problem was that we never knew where to start or what to work on first. This was the source of many arguments and many stops and starts in improvement projects. Now, we knew.
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September 2, 2011 Bruce Benson
Over-managing the innovation process can undermine its effectiveness.
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August 29, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
It’s a business management problem! Management’s goal should be to figure out a way to facilitate data access. We’ve lost the ability to move quickly. Our approval cycles squash great ideas. We kill with kindness and best intentions.
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August 24, 2011 Bruce Benson
Many projects have an S shaped pattern that is our adoption success curve for our effort. Understanding our project adoption and productivity curves will help us ensure our projects are successful.
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August 22, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Sounds just like project management!
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August 18, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
The CEO told all their employees to stop using other manufacturers' cell phones and only use the company's phones. It was indefensible, he said, that employees would be seen using, other phones on the job.
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August 16, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Stop doing something you suspect is unproductive and see if anyone notices says Mary Gorman and Ellen Gottesdiner. I love it!
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August 13, 2011 Bruce Benson
Change Management
Especially for complex and costly IT projects, customers need to invest more in the up-front evaluation. Oh, no. Here we go again.
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August 11, 2011 Bruce Benson
The enormous increase in effort with very short schedules is due in large part to the work on the project morphing into wasteful activity called "optional chaos."
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August 9, 2011 Bruce Benson