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Whatever Triggers Our Attention Go For It

[Anouk] Wipprecht finds that her keys to success are curiosity, being willing to work across disciplines, and having a clear mission. “Whatever triggers your attention, go for it,” she says. “A lot of engineers ask me,” ‘How do I do design?’ I say, just go...
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Tackling The Hard Truth

Tackling The Hard Truth
Following the Sept. 11 attacks, a consensus emerged that cockpit doors should be reinforced and fitted with elaborate locks. This was an eminently sensible idea. Then last year, a pilot named Andreas Lubitz boarded Germanwings Flight 9525. When his captain left the cockpit, Lubitz locked...
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Winning The Bureaucracy Game

Winning The Bureaucracy Game
During a college job at an Air Force weapons lab in New Mexico, [Robert Mercer, co-CEO Renaissance Technologies] says, he found a life’s calling. “I loved everything about computers,” he said. “I Loved the solitude of the computer lab late at night. I loved the...
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How To Manage A Chaos Machine

How To Manage A Chaos Machine Jean_Tinguely_-_Heureka_-_Zürichhorn
They assumed that, if a project was intensely and minutely planned, everything would naturally and inevitably proceed in an orderly and deterministic way. … And when projects did go off the rails, their response was to stop everything and replan. Sometimes that works, but sometimes...
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How To Avoid Great Ideas That Go Awry

How To Avoid Great Ideas That Go Awry
China wasn't even the first country to experiment with forcible population control. In the late 1970s, Indira Gandhi, then prime minister of India, introduced a program that involved the involuntary sterilization of many men and women.
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Lessons Learned From The California Drought

Lessons Learned From the Caifornia Drought
California captures enough water each year to meet all its needs if it operates efficiently — a big if. … “There’s learning, information sharing, creativity, and discovery.” The drought is speeding up the process. “What causes change more than anything is crisis,” Thomas Howard, executive...
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