Elon to a meeting member: "You haven't said anything. Why are you in here?"
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November 30, 2017 Bruce Benson
"The human error was that the individual who's responsible for communicating in the organization to apply the patch, did not." Wait, what?
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November 15, 2017 Bruce Benson
Risk Management
Two days after the board of directors issued a statement that its members had no idea of the allegations of abuse by Weinstein, TNY today quoted board member Lance Maerov admitting he had heard of multiple settlements. Even though he added he believed they were...
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November 3, 2017 Bruce Benson
Sometimes we just need to be reinvigorated.
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October 25, 2017 Bruce Benson
Change Management
There is a growing recognition that many important research findings based on statistical evidence are not reproducible.
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October 9, 2017 Bruce Benson
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella met with Lenovo last year and quizzed the company over how it was responding to Skylake problems. “Lenovo was confused,” claims Thurrott. “No one was having any issues.” It appears Microsoft’s own problems were the result of the company’s unique approach...
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September 21, 2017 Bruce Benson
According to [Ashlee] Vance, the assistant, Mary Beth Brown, asked Musk for a significant raise after she’d been working with him for 12 years. In response, Musk told Brown to take two weeks off, during which he would assume her responsibilities and see if she...
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September 14, 2017 Bruce Benson
They all sounded good in theory, but our ability to attain the complete and stated goal of the development phase was limited.
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September 6, 2017 Bruce Benson
It’s a truism in economics that most technological change in any industry takes place not during the boom times, but during the downturns, when firms have to be clever to survive. The Atlantic:This Is the Way the College ‘Bubble’ Ends, July 26, 2017. I’ve often...
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August 17, 2017 Bruce Benson
Change Management
This is not to say Musk will realize his most ambitious goals: landing on Mars, electrifying much of the world’s transportation fleet, and accelerating the transition from a fossil-fuel to a carbon-free economy. But each is closer than most thought possible in such a short...
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August 4, 2017 Bruce Benson
Take time to explain why you believe something — not just what you believe and why your opponent is wrong. So how did Bastian switch over from home birth advocate to home birth critic? It started with conversations with researchers in Sydney, who were compassionate...
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July 26, 2017 Bruce Benson
Problems stemming from such errors can be very costly and have contributed to a wider concern about the reproducibility of research findings, most notably in medical research.
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July 20, 2017 Bruce Benson
“We grew up,” says Verily Chief Executive Officer Andy Conrad. The middle-aged geneticist has adopted the Silicon Valley T-shirt and-flip-flops wardrobe of eternal youth, but he’s given up on a lot of the jargon, including Google’s onetime favorite word. Like some other Alphabet holdings, 500-staffer...
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June 22, 2017 Bruce Benson
Harvey’s term for torturing the data until it confesses is “p-hacking."
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June 17, 2017 Bruce Benson
The trick was always to look past common wisdom and corporate culture even when everyone was encouraging us to do it the same old way.
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June 7, 2017 Bruce Benson